
International linkages

As a world-class national university ranked in the Top 1% of Universities worldwide, The University of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ has links to leading educational institutions and organisations around the world.

The University continues to build its global footprint with research collaborations, teaching collaborations, credit arrangements, articulation arrangements, study abroad and exchange programs and offshore program delivery with 400 international institutions spanned across 45 countries. UOW connects people who want to learn new things and improve the world around them.

Our international focus is strengthened through a collaborative network of partners across the globe.

Institutional linkages and partnerships

Institution name Agreement types
CIS Australia MOU
Fulbright Australia Sponsorship / Scholarship Agreement 
HEX (Formerly Hacker Exchange) Student Exchange Agreement
The Illawarra Area Health Service Academic Collaboration, MOU, Sponsorship / Scholarship Agreement, Staff Exchange Agreement, Student Exchange Agreement
Institution name Agreement types
Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz Utrecht Network (Exchange Programs)
Medical University of Graz Letter of Agreement
Institution name Agreement types
ECAM Brussels Study Abroad Agreement
Ghent University Student Exchange Agreement
KU Leuven Student Exchange Agreement
University of Antwerp* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Namur MOU, Visiting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Pontificia Universidade Catolica De Campinas (PCU-Campinas) Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Pontificia Universidade Catolica Do Rio De Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Student Exchange Agreement
Universidade de Sao Paulo MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Universidade Federal de Santa Student Exchange Agreement
Institution name Agreement types
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Resarch Institute Inc. Academic Collaboration, MOU
Concordia University* Student Exchange Agreement
HEC Montreal Student Exchange Agreement
McMaster University* Student Exchange Agreement
Nipissing University MOU
University of Alberta* Student Exchange Agreement
University of British Columbia* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Calgary* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Manitoba* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Montreal Student Exchange Agreement
University of Toronto* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Victoria* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Waterloo Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Beihang University Articulation Arrangement, MOU, Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)* Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Beijing Jiaotong University* Twinning Agreement, Student Exchange Agreement
Beijing Management College of Politics and Law MOU
Beijing Normal University MOU
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Articulation Arrangement
Central China Normal University Educational Services Collaboration Agreement (Offshore), Joint PhD, MOU, Variation, Visting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement, Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Changchun University Study Tour Agreement
China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp, China MOU
China Jiliang University Articulation Arrangement
China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
China University of Mining & Technology (Xuzhou) Joint PhD, Study Abroad Agreement
China University of Petroleum, Huadong MOU
Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange Articulation Arrangement, MOU
Chongqing University MOU
Dalian University of Foreign Languages Study Tour Agreement
Dalian University of Technology MOU
Fudan University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic Articulation Arrangement
Guangdong Industry Technology College Articulation Arrangement
Guangdong University of Finance Articulation Arrangement
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Student Exchange Agreement
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology Articulation Arrangement
Guangdong University of Technology Articulation Arrangement
Guangzhou College of Commerce Articulation Arrangement
Harbin Institute of Technology Articulation Arrangement. MOU
Henan Polytechnic University Study Abroad Agreement
Huazhong University of Science & Technology MOU
Hubei University MOU
Hunan University of Arts and Science MOU
Institute of Metal Research, CAS Articulation Arrangement
Jinan University (Guangdong) Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Jinggangshan University MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Kunming University Articulation Arrangement
Kunming University of Science and Technology MOU
Minjiang University Study Abroad Agreement
Nanchang Hangkong University MOU
Northeastern University MOU
Northwestern Polytechnical University MOU
Ocean University of China, Qingdao MOU
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School MOU
Qingdao University of Science and Technology Articulation Arrangement
Shandong Normal University Articulation Arrangement

Shandong University of Finance and Economics

Shandong University of Technology Articulation Arrangement
Shanghai Institute of Technology MOU, Study Tour Agreement
Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Shanghai Jian Qiao University Articulation Arrangement
Shanghai Jiaotong University MOU x 2
Shanghai University Academic Collaboration, MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Shaoxing University MOU
Shenzhen University Articulation Arrangement. Joint PhD, MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Sichuan Agricultural University Articulation Arrangement
Soochow University, China Articulation Arrangement
Taiyuan University of Technology Offshore Agreement, Twinning Agreement
Taizhou University MOU
The Association of Maternal Child Health Studies MOU
Tiangong University Twinning Agreement
Tianjin University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement, Study Tour Agreement
Tongji University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Tsinghua University* Letter of Intent
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) Articulation Arrangement, MOU, Study Abroad Agreement, Study Tour Agreement
University of Jinan (Shandong) Study Abroad Agreement
University of Science & Technology of China, Beijing MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Academic Collaboration, MOU, Staff Exchange Agreement
Wenhua College Articulation Arrangement
Wuhan University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement, Study Abroad Agreement
Wuhan University (School of International Education) Articulation Arrangement
Xi'an Jiaotong University* MOU
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Xi'an University of Technology MOU
Xidian University MOU
Xuzhou Medical University Articulation Arrangement, Joint PhD, MOU
Yancheng Institute of Technology MOU
Zhejiang Sci-Tech university Study Abroad Agreement
Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages Study Abroad Agreement
Zhengzhou University Articulation Agreement, Joint PhD, MOU, Twinning Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Universidad Externado de Colombia MOU
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano MOU


Institution name Agreement types
University of Zagreb Joint PhD, MOU


Institution name Agreement types
European University Cyprus Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Institution name Agreement types
Institute of Geonics, Academy of Science MOU


Institution name Agreement types
Aarhus University* Student Exchange Agreement, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Copenhagen University Student Exchange Agreement
University of Southern Denmark Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Tartu Ülikool Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Institution name Agreement types
University of the South Pacific Student Exchange Agreement
Fiji National University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement


Institution name Agreement types
University of Eastern Finland  MOU, Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Institution name Agreement types
Audencia Business School Student Exchange Agreement
École Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ECAM Lyon) Study Abroad Agreement
École Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ECAM Strasbourg) Study Abroad Agreement
École Internationale des Sciences
du Traitement de I'Information
Study Abroad Agreement
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA) Academic Collaboration
École Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Electricité (ESME - Sudria) Study Abroad Agreement
ESSCA School of Management* Student Exchange Agreement
IÉSEG School of Management* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Institut Catholique d’Arts et Metiers Strasbourg Study Abroad Agreement
Institut National des Sciences
Appliquees de Lyon (INSA Lyon)
Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle Beauvais MOU, Visiting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement, Student Exchange Program
Rennes School of Business* Student Exchange Agreement
The American Business School of Pairs Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
The IGS Group  Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Université de Bordeaux Student Exchange Agreement
Université de Lille Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Université de Montpellier  Student Exchange Agreement
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) Student Exchange Agreement
Université de Strasbourg Joint PhD, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Universite d'Orleans MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Universite Francois-Rabelais de Tours Student Exchange Agreement
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 Study Abroad Agreement
University of Tours Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of French Polynesia (UFP) MOU
Institution name Agreement types
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg  MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg  Student Exchange Agreement
Kiel University of Applied Sciences Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Leibniz University Hannover Student Exchange Agreement
Leipzig University Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Ruhr University Bochum Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
SRH University Heidelberg Student Exchange Agreement
Technical University of Munich Student Exchange Agreement
TU Dortmund University MOU
University of Applied Sciences, Kiel Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement, Visiting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement
University of Mannheim* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Tubingen Student Exchange Agreement
WHU- Otto Beisheim School of Management Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of Thessaly Erasmus + Funding Agreement


Institution name Agreement types
City University of Hong Kong Student Exchange Agreement
College of International Education at Hong Kong Baptist University Articulation Agreement
Hong Kong Baptist University Student Exchange Agreement
Hong Kong Polytechnic Student Exchange Agreement
The Education University of Hong Kong (formerly The Hong Kong Institute of Education) MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Exchange Agreement
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Community College Articulation Agreement
UOW College Hong Kong Educational Services Collaboration Agreement (Offshore), Study Abroad and Student Exchange, Study Tour Agreement
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education MOU
Institution name Agreement types
Reykjavik University MOU
University of Iceland MOU, Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Institution name Agreement types
Amrita University Articulation Arrangement
Andhra Pradesh Medtech Zone Limited (AMTZ) MOU
Bankura University MOU
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) MOU, Twinning Agreement
BIMTECH Birla Institute of Management Technology Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Chandigarh University Articulation Arrangement, MOU
Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd (DFCCIL) MOU
Dept of Mining Engineering, Banaras Hindu University MOU
IFIM Business School (Institute of Finance and International Management) Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) MOU
Indian Institute of Science MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Indian Institute of Management Shillong MOU, Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay MOU, Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Joint PhD
Mahatma Gandhi University MOU
Manipal Academy of Higher Education Student Exchange Agreement
Nitte University MOU
O.P. Jindal Global University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Delhi MOU
WIPRO Infotech Academic Collaboration

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Binus University Articulation Arrangement
Del Institute of Technology MOU
Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources Academic Collaboration
Islamic University of Indonesia MOU
Petra Christian University MOU
Universitas Gadjah Mada* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Jember MOU, Academic Collaboration

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Dublin City University Student Exchange Agreement
School of Geography, Trinity College Dublin Student Exchange Agreement
University of Limerick* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Galway Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem* Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara MOU, Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Polytechnic University of Milan* Student Exchange Agreement
Roma Tre University Student Exchange Agreement
University for Foreigners Siena Student Exchange Agreement
University of Bologna Student Exchange Agreement, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Ferrara Student Exchange Agreement
University of Genova Student Exchange Agreement
University of Molise Joint PhD, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Naples Federico II MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Salerno MOU
University of Turin MOU

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Aichi Prefectural University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Aoyama Gakuin University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement, Study Tour Agreement
Dokkyo University MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Doshisha University Student Exchange Agreement
Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts Study Abroad Agreement
Hiroshima-Shudo University Staff Exchange Agreement,
J.F. Oberlin University Student Exchange Agreement
Kansai University of International Studies MOU
Kindai University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Kobe University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Kwansei Gakuin University Student Exchange Agreement
Kyorin University Study Abroad Agreement
Meio University MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Nagoya Institute of Technology Student Exchange Agreement, Visiting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement
Oita University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Otaru University of Commerce MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Quantum Medical Sc. Dir. of the National Institutes for Quantum & Radiological Science and Tech. (QST-QMSD, formerly NIRS) Academic Collaboration, MOU
Senshu University Student Exchange Agreement
Shinshu University Student Exchange Agreement
Sophia University Student Exchange Agreement
Tokyo City University MOU
Tokyo Women's Christian University MOU. Study Abroad Agreement
Toyo University Student Exchange Agreement
University of Electro-Communications MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Tokyo Letter of Intent
University of Tsukuba MOU


Institution name Agreement types
Kenyatta University MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Nairobi MOU
Institution name Agreement types
Hanyang National University Joint PhD
Sungkyunkwan University Joint PhD, MOU
Institution name Agreement types
University of Latvia Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)


Institution name Agreement types
University of Liechtenstein Study Abroad Agreement
Institution name Agreement types
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union MOU
International Medical University Articulation Arrangement
Sains Malaysia MOU
University of Malaya* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Universiti Putra Malaysia* MOU
Universiti Teknologi MARA MOU

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of Malta Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)


Institution name Agreement types
 Ibero-American University Student Exchange Agreement
Instituto Panamericano de Alta Direccion de Empresa Business School, Universidad Panamericana* Student Exchange Agreement
Tec de Monterrey MOU, Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
International Child Resource Centre - Nepal MOU, Visiting Research Program/Student Practicum Agreement
Institution name Agreement types
HAN University - International School of Business Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Maastricht University* Student Exchange Agreement
Radboud University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
TU Delft Student Exchange Agreement
University of Groningen* MOU, Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Utrecht University Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Wageningen University & Research Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of New Caledonia Student Exchange Agreement


Institution name Agreement types
Lincoln University Student Exchange Agreement
Massey University Student Exchange Agreement
University of Auckland* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Canterbury Student Exchange Agreement
University of Waikato Student Exchange Agreement
Victoria University of Wellington Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTUT) Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
The University College of Southeast Norway Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
University of Bergen Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
University of Oslo Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
University of Stavanger Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
VID Specialised University Student Exchange and Study Abroad 
Institution name Agreement types
Jagiellonian University Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)


Institution name Agreement types
Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa Student Exchange Agreement
University of Coimbra Student Exchange Agreement, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Institution name Agreement types
The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)


Institution name Agreement types
University of Rwanda MOU


Institution name Agreement types
Nanyang Technological University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
National University of Singapore Study Tour Agreement
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Articulation Arrangement
Republic Polytechnic Articulation Arrangement
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) Educational Services Collaboration Agreement (Offshore) x 4, Student Exchange Agreement
Singapore Polytechnic Articulation Arrangement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Comenius University in Bratislava Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Institution name Agreement types
University of Ljubljana* MOU, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Gordon Institute of Business Science - University of Pretoria Study Abroad Agreement
University of Pretoria MOU, Student Exchange Agreement


Institution name Agreement types
Ajou University MOU
ASAN Institute for Life Sciences MOU
Chung-Ang University* Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Daejin University MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Hangyang University* MOU
Korean Maritime Institute MOU
Korean Society of 3D Printing in Medicine MOU
Kyung Hee University Student Exchange Agreement
Kyung Hee University - School of Management Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Namyangju City, Republic of Korea MOU
Pohang University of Science and Technology Student Exchange Agreement
Seoul National University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Sogang University Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
Yonsei University MOU

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Complutense University of Madrid Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
IE Business School Student Exchange Agreement
University of Almería  Student Exchange Agreement
University of Deusto* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Leon Student Exchange Agreement
University of Oviedo Student Exchange Agreement
University of Valencia  Student Exchange Agreement, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of Moratuwa MOU


Institution name Agreement types
Karlstads Universitet Student Exchange Agreement
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Student Exchange Agreement
Umeå University* Student Exchange Agreement
Uppsala Universitet Student Exchange Agreement
University of Gothenburg MOU

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
University of Basel Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
University of Bern Student Exchange Agreement
University of Geneva Student Exchange Agreement
University of Lausanne Student Exchange Agreement
University of Lucerne Student Exchange Agreement
University of St Gallen* Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
MingDao University Study Abroad Agreement
National Pingtung Institute of Commerce Study Abroad Agreement
National Chiao Tung University ( College of Electrical and Computer Engineering) MOU
National Taiwan University - Department of Social Work* MOU
National Taiwan Univerity of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech)* Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement
National Tsing-Hua University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
Soochow University* Student Exchange Agreement
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Study Abroad Agreement
Taipei Medical University Articulation Arrangement, MOU
Tunghai University* Study Abroad Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Asian Institute of Technology MOU
Asiania International Consulting Co. Ltd. Student Exchange Agreement
Assumption University Student Exchange Agreement
Chiang Mai University* MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Chulabhorn Research Institute MOU
Chulalongkorn University* MOU
Kasetsart University Academic Collaboration, Study Abroad Agreement, Twinning Agreement
Khon Kaen University MOU
King Mongkut’s University of Technology MOU
Mahidol University* MOU x 3
Prince of Songkla University MOU
Thammasat University* Academic Collaboration

*AACSB Accredited Schools


Institution name Agreement types
Adnan Menderes University MOU
BoÄŸaziçi University Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Koç University* Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Higher Colleges of Technology Academic Collaboration, Staff Exchange Agreement
UOWD Ltd (Dubai)* Education Services and Quality Assurance Agreement, Student Exchange and Study Abroad Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Cardiff University* Student Exchange Agreement
Centre for Misfolding Diseases, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University MOU
Lancaster University* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
London School of Economics and Political Science MOU
Queen's University of Belfast Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Global Football Program
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Student Exchange Agreement
University of Birmingham* Academic Collaboration, MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of East Anglia Student Exchange Agreement
University of Exeter* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Hull* MOU, Utrecht Network (Exchange Program)
University of Leeds* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Liverpool* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Nottingham Student Exchange Agreement
University of Sheffield-Medical School* Staff Exchange Agreement, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Shuuey* Student Exchange Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools


Institution name Agreement types
Alma College Study Abroad Agreement
Arcadia University Study Abroad Agreement
Ball State University* Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Beloit College Study Abroad Agreement
Boise State University* Study Abroad Agreement
California State University, Chico* Student Exchange Agreement
California State University, Long Beach* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
California State University, Monterey Bay* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Clemson University Other
Colgate University Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Colorado School of Mines Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Duke University MOU
Emory University (Goizueta Business School)* Student Exchange Agreement
Goucher College Study Abroad Agreement
Hanover College Study Abroad Agreement
Indiana University Bloomington* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Indiana University of Pennsylvania* Study Abroad Agreement
Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA) Butler Study Abroad Agreement
Kalamazoo College Study Abroad Agreement
Kansas State University* Study Abroad Agreement
Keene State College Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Lebanon Valley College Study Abroad Agreement
Lindenwood University Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Marist College* Study Abroad Agreement
Michigan State University* Study Abroad Agreement
Molloy College Study Abroad Agreement
Montana State University* Student Exchange Agreement
North Carolina State University, Raleigh* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Northern Arizona University* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Pacific University Study Abroad Agreement
Pennington Biomedical Research Centre MOU
Roger Williams University* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
Smith College Study Abroad Agreement
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Study Abroad Agreement
Springfield College MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
State University of New York, Plattsburgh* Study Abroad Agreement
The Education Abroad Network (TEAN) Study Abroad Agreement
Unversity of Albany, State University
of New York*
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of Colorado (Boulder)* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of Connecticut* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of Denver* Study Abroad Agreement
University of Hartford* Study Abroad Agreement
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of Kansas, Lawrence* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Maine Study Abroad Agreement
University of Massachusetts Ahmerst* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Miami Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of Nebraska-Lincoln* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of North Carolina, Asheville* Student Exchange Agreement
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of North Carolina, Wilmington* Study Abroad and Student Exchange Agreement
University of North Florida* MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
University of Oklahoma* Student Exchange Agreement
University of Pennsylvania Study Abroad Agreement, Study Tour Agreement
University of Redlands Study Abroad Agreement
University of Scranton* Study Abroad Agreement
Western Michigan University* MOU, Study Abroad Agreement
Wheaton College Study Abroad Agreement

*AACSB Accredited Schools

Institution name Agreement types
Hanoi Academy of Theatre & Cinema MOU
Hanoi University of Science and Technology Articulation Arrangement, MOU
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology MOU
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Articulation Arrangement
Ton Duc Thang University Articulation Arrangement, MOU
University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City Articulation Arrangement
University of Finance-Marketing Articulation Arrangement